by Stuart Mellody | Oct 19, 2018 | Build a Multi £Million Investor Bank
If you’ve been following my series of how to build a multi £million investor bank – This is the one that brings it all together in terms of the investor recognising your value over and above anyone else. To subscribe for all the valuable tips in one place...
by Stuart Mellody | Jul 18, 2018 | Build a Multi £Million Investor Bank
Let me make this crystal clear, because I see a lot of other people in our industry focusing on just ‘getting the deals’ and I see people teaching that stuff too. Raising Finance is NOT what you do, once you get the project. It’s NOT an after thought. It’s the number...
by Stuart Mellody | Jul 25, 2017 | Raising Finance Academy
There is no quick fix to raising finance successfully. Please be acutely aware that raising money successfully is not only available to the privileged few, its definitely not pot luck nor is there a magic formula and that little bits of ‘advice’ in...