Property Investor
“It is only through your genuine support and attenton and interest in my success, along with implementing what I’ve learned, and belief in the model and system that I’ve achieved what I have so far, in such a short period of time.”

Charlotte Browne
Property Investor
“You really don’t know how much you affect other people’s lives until they tell you, so thank you very much Stuart Mellody and your amazing team!Xx”

Sean Branton
Property Developer & DJ
“Hi Stuart – wanted to give you an update, we’ve just had an offer accepted on some flats – you’ve been a massive part of this, so thank you. Another £100K to add to the pot from today, holy s**t! Thanks again! So much down to what you have taught me, I can’t wait to see how far this takes me! Woooop!!”

Simon Osbourne
Property Developer
“What you teach works! It is a joy to work with you as you always make everything easy. You strip back and uncomplicate things and look at it from a simple point of view. You make things seem achievable, and they are. You have a great way of looking at a problem from a perspective nobody else does… That has massive value.”

Mel O
Property Developer
“Thank you Stuart, working with you has been a real pleasure and has enabled us to raise all the funds we need to work on these beautiful projects, it has opened our eyes to what’s really possible.”

Sam H
Property Developer
“There is nothing like this in the industry! I get to grow my business, raise money, develop my property expertise and experience personal development all in one place. I love the no-bullsh*t approach!”

Thomas E
Property Developer
“Stuart I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart, the investor we spoke about has committed to investing £1M with me and we’re only 42 days in the 90 day program!!”

Rebecca Smith
Property Investor & Trainer
“Stuart – this really works! £250K in the bank and they want to invest with ME! Then another has £500-£700K and they want to invest with me, then I got this message this morning – it’s getting ridiculous!”

Martin B
Business Owner & Property Developer
“With what you teach, I truly feel I am getting everything. I would like to be glued to your shoulder to leverage your knowledge and experience to accelerate my journey! I feel I have gained immensly from working alongside you.”

Ritchie Maz
Property Investor
“Thanks so much for helping us move forwards – when you look at the “Simple” model you created and the way we transact tese days – it’s become second nature to us these days as we do it with all the landlords we work with. Recently I spoke to one landlord we’ve worked with previously and he’s re-invested in us, including both his son and now his daughter. I now have a reliable circle of investors on standby for more opportunities. Thanks to you and your lovely family!”

M. Shah
Property Developer
“Through the series of workshops and mentoring I’ve had from you, you have helped me understand the real fundamentals in developing this vital JV skill. This extends beyond just raising finance, beyond property and business but how it can help me in other areas such as achieving my charity goals.”

Are You Struggling to Secure Capital for Your Business Venture? We Can Help!
Introducing Stuart Mellody, the creator of the SIMPLE SYSTEM to Raising Finance.
“Over the last 37 years of successes and failures I have now been able to use my experience of raising tens of millions of £’s to perfect a tried and tested system that I call S.I.M.P.L.E.”
Stuart and his team are Partnering with the GeniusU Group to provide their Raising Finance Simple System to over 4 million entrepreneurs.
This system will help you avoid mistakes and will show you WHERE to find investors for your property deals, HOW to attract them to you and WHAT to say to them, resulting in them investing with you, without even having to ask!

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Revolutionizing Raising Finance
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